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Has My Baby Got Colic?

September 23, 2024

Has My Baby Got Colic?

Colic is a common condition that affects many newborns. It’s characterised by prolonged periods of crying or fussiness that can be distressing for both the baby and their parents. While it’s a normal phase for many infants, it can be difficult to know if your baby is experiencing colic, especially if you’re a new parent.

What is Colic?

Colic is a condition that typically begins around 2-3 weeks of age and usually resolves by around 3-4 months. It’s defined as excessive crying that lasts for more than three hours a day, on more than three days a week, for more than three weeks. The crying often occurs in the late afternoon or evening and can be intense and inconsolable.

Signs and Symptoms of Colic

  • Excessive Crying: As mentioned above, the most obvious sign of colic is prolonged and intense crying.
  • Drawing Up Legs: Your baby may draw their legs up towards their chest as they cry.
  • Fisted Hands: Your baby’s hands may be clenched into fists.
  • Red Face: Your baby’s face may become red or flushed.
  • Difficulty Sleeping: Colic can make it difficult for your baby to sleep, leading to further distress.

Has My Baby Got Colic or Something Else?

While colic is a common cause of excessive crying in infants, there are other potential causes that should be considered. These include:

  • Hunger: Ensure your baby is being fed frequently and is getting enough milk.
  • Overfeeding: Overfeeding can also lead to discomfort and fussiness.
  • Gas: Gas can be painful for babies and can cause them to cry.
  • Reflux: Acid reflux can also cause discomfort and crying.
  • Underlying medical conditions: In rare cases, excessive crying can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

What Can You Do?

If you’re concerned that your baby may have colic, it’s important to consult with your GP or Health Visitor. They can help rule out other potential causes and offer advice on how to manage the condition. While there’s no cure for colic, there are a few things you can do to help soothe your baby:

  • Swaddling: Swaddling can be comforting for babies and can help reduce their startle reflex.
  • White noise: White noise can be soothing for babies and can help them relax.
  • Gentle massage: Massaging your baby’s tummy can help relieve gas and discomfort.
  • Over-the-counter remedies: Some parents find that over-the-counter gas relievers or probiotics can help soothe their baby’s colic.

Remember, colic is a normal phase for many infants, and it will eventually pass. While it can be challenging and stressful, it’s important to stay patient and seek support from your GP or Heath Visitor.


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