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How Dads Can Stay Active with a Baby

How Dads Can Stay Active with a Baby

September 3, 2023

Welcoming a newborn into the family is undoubtedly a life-changing experience, and for many Dads, trying to stay active with a newborn baby offers a few challenges. For new dads, finding time for fitness might seem like an uphill battle with nappy changes and sleepless nights becoming the norm. However, it’s possible to stay active while nurturing that precious bond with your baby. Here are some creative ways for how dads can stay active with a baby while giving their partners some much-needed time to themselves. It can be done!

Baby-Wearing Workouts

One of the most ingenious ways to stay active as a new dad is to invest in a comfortable baby carrier. With your baby snuggled securely against your chest, you can embark on a variety of activities, like walking or even hiking. The gentle swaying motion can often lull your little one to sleep while you get some cardio in. Don’t be scared about baby carrying – with the right carrier, it can be an enjoyable and comfortable experience for both you and your baby. Check out Ergobaby Carriers here.

How Dads Can Stay Active with a Baby

Stroller Workouts

For dads who prefer a more traditional approach, stroller workouts are a fantastic option. Invest in a sturdy jogging stroller and hit the pavement with your little co-pilot. You can briskly walk or jog through the neighbourhood while your baby enjoys the sights and sounds of the outdoors. Remember that you should not be jogging with a baby until they reach 6 months old – in those early days we recommend speed walking to get the cardio up.

Dad out walking with baby in a pushchair

Baby Yoga and Stretching

Introduce your newborn to the world of yoga and stretching and yes, Dads can do this too! Lay down a comfortable mat, and with your baby by your side, explore gentle yoga poses or engage in a stretching routine. Not only will this help you regain flexibility and strength, but it can also be a soothing experience for your baby. You can either follow channels on YouTube, such as Welcome to Dad Yoga from Balance for Live.

Playground Playtime

When your baby is a bit older and can safely sit up, take advantage of playgrounds. Push your baby on swings, accompany them on the slide, and use the park’s equipment for bodyweight exercises like pull-ups or modified push-ups. It’s a win-win situation where both you and your little one get to have fun and stay active.

Dance Parties at Home

Transform your living room into a dance floor! Put on some music, and with your baby securely in your arms, dance away. Not only is this a fun way to bond with your baby, but it’s also a fantastic cardio workout. Plus, your little one will love the movement and music.

Dad exercising with baby

Interactive Games

As your baby grows, they’ll become more engaged and curious. Use this as an opportunity to engage in interactive games like peek-a-boo, hide and seek, or “airplane” lifts. These playful activities can help you burn some calories while strengthening your bond.

Baby-Friendly Classes

Check out local fitness classes designed for parents and babies. From baby yoga to parent-baby swimming sessions, these classes provide a structured and social way to stay active while bonding with your baby and meeting other parents.Your local swimming pool will be able to advise you or contact a company like Puddle Ducks which runs baby swim classes throughout the UK.

Include Your Baby in Home Workouts

During nap time or when your baby is content, incorporate them into your home workouts. Use your baby as a weight for squats or lunges, or include them in your core exercises.

Staying fit as a new dad isn’t about striving for perfection; it’s about finding balance and making the most of your time with your baby. We know that time is tricky with a newborn, but it’s worth trying to grab a bit of time as often as you can, even if it’s just 30 minutes. These activities not only promote physical well-being but also strengthen the emotional connection between you and your baby.

So go ahead, embrace fatherhood, and enjoy these precious moments of fitness and bonding.



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