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Mum combing daughters hair looking for headlice

How to Prevent Head Lice

February 13, 2024

How to prevent head lice (nits) – a thought on every parents’ mind from the moment they start school until the moment that they leave!
The NHS recently published statistics that weekly visits to their head lice and nits advice page had seen an increase of 34%, with thousands of parents across the country scratching their heads on the topic.

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When nasty critters set up camp in your child’s hair, it can be a frustrating process trying to eliminate them. So for many parents, prevention is key. Vosene Kids haircare range is designed to help keep head lice at bay. Vosene have reported a 23.1% increase in sales of their Head Lice Defence Spray and 3in1 Shampoo as more and more parents are looking to take preventative measures.*

So, what steps can you take to stop head lice invading hair in the first place?

The bad news is head lice are just a frustrating part of everyday life during childhood. The good news is, there are steps you can take to help eradicate them and stop them coming back time after time.

Try following these six top tips to help prevent head lice:

1. Make it harder for the nasties to get into the swing of things by keeping long hair tied back.

2. Head lice usually jump ship during play time when heads are close, so ask your little ones to avoid games that involve head-to-head contact.

Vosene Head lice shampoo in the bathroom

3. Using a specific shampoo (such as Vosene Kids 3in1 Shampoo) as part of your bath time routine. This will ensure your little ones have clean hair and help to keep head lice at bay, with natural head lice repellent actives – tea tree oil and lemon eucalyptus oil.

4. Arm yourself with the essentials at bath time. Vosene Kids Headlice Defence Spray is clinically proven to help keep head lice at bay while conditioning and detangling hair. It contains 100% natural head lice repellent actives, including citronella oil. The scent is purposefully enhanced for strong efficacy.

5. After every hair wash, check for eggs at the front of the head, behind the ears and at the nape of the neck – eggs may be hiding away at the base of the hair shaft.

Combing a boys hair looking for head lice or nits

6. Once a week, and if you get the dreaded ‘nit alert’ from school, become an inspector and carry out a detection comb. It’s not always possible to stop creepy crawlies taking a liking to your little one’s hair, but spotting early signs of their arrival can stop any new lice families getting too comfortable.

We know that there is not proved way to 100% avoid your child getting head lice. But hopefully our advice will make getting head lice less likely.

* EPOS sales at ASDA, YTD week ending 30 Dec 2023.


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