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Mother and Daughter Yoga Practise

March 14, 2024

Practising Yoga Together

Parenting experts celebrate the special bond between mothers and daughters (or sons!).  Mother-and-daughter yoga offers a unique opportunity for connection, communication, and bonding while promoting physical health and emotional well-being for both parent and child. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, participating in yoga together can create meaningful moments of shared experience and deep connection between mother and daughter.

At Parenting Expert, we believe in the benefits of mother-and-daughter yoga. It goes beyond physical posture. Trust and empathy grow through breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and partner poses. The practice provides a safe space for exploration and expression, so whether you’re incorporating yoga into your routine or seeking a fun activity, mother-daughter yoga nurtures relationships. It creates lasting memories. Join us to explore the power of yoga in strengthening bonds and promoting well-being.

Why practice yoga?

Yoga is more than just physical exercise; it’s a holistic approach to health and well-being that integrates movement, breath, and mindfulness. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” which means to yoke or unite, reflecting its goal of harmonising the body, mind, and spirit. Over the centuries, yoga has evolved into a diverse range of practices. From gentle stretching and relaxation to dynamic flows and challenging postures, yoga is practised by millions of people around the world, each finding their path to health, happiness, and inner peace through this ancient art.

People practice yoga for a variety of reasons, as it offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Physically, yoga can improve flexibility, strength, balance, and posture. It also promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which can positively affect overall health and well-being. Additionally, yoga can help increase mindfulness and self-awareness, leading to greater mental clarity and emotional stability. Many people also find that yoga provides a sense of inner peace and tranquillity, helping them to cope with the challenges of daily life. Overall, yoga offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, making it a popular choice for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Introducing our yoga instructor

At Parenting Expert we do practice what we preach! Attending several yoga practices each week. We met Amanda (and Ashley) from Unique Yoga in Lincolnshire.  A dedicated and passionate yoga instructor, she has generously curated a miniseries of four yoga poses for you to practice with your family, in the comfort of your own home. Amanda brings her expertise and love for yoga to every session. Guiding you through the poses with clarity, encouragement, and a deep understanding of the mind-body connection.  Get ready to roll out your mat and embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being with Amanda as your guide. You can find more yoga poses @uniqueyogalincs.

Mountain Pose

Standing back to back (don’t worry if you’re different heights). Press your feet down firmly and reach the top of your head to the sky. Relax your shoulders and take deep, slow breaths. See if you can feel each other breathing! For extra focus: Breathe in for 4 counts and out for 4 counts, and try to balance out your breath!

Mother and daughter doing a mountain pose in yoga

Tree Pose

Standing side by side, put your arms around each other. Then balance on your inside leg and place your other foot somewhere on the leg (be careful not to push your knee!) Keep your hands on your hips, or reach them up to touch. Choose whether you will be trees that are strong, tall, or still, or flexible and wavy in the wind!

Mother and daughter in a yoga position called the tree pose


Boat Pose

Sit facing each other. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor and hold hands. Start to lean back, finding some balance! From here, see if you can lift the feet and touch shin-bones together. If that’s not possible then you can bring your feet together with bent or straight legs (this may be tricky if you have different leg lengths, so just do your best!).

Mother and daughter doing a boat pose in yoga


Seated Twist

Sit facing each other with crossed legs. Put your left hand around your back and reach forward with your right hand. Take hold of your partner’s hand, which is around their back. Sit tall, breathe in, and gently twist to the left. Then release slowly. Switch arms and twist the other way.
Mother and daughter doing a seated twist yoga pose
We hope you enjoyed your mini yoga session – Namaste.
Take a look at our round-up of yoga products currently on Amazon UK.



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