Home 9 KIDS & TEENS 9 Star Wars day – unleash your inner kidult you must!
Dad dressed as Darth Vadar

Star Wars day – unleash your inner kidult you must!

May 4, 2018

May the 4th (be with you) is a day to celebrate all things intergalactic. Whether you favour the early episodes with questionable CGI, those that’ve hit the big screen since the $4bn buyout of the franchise by Disney or maybe even those forgettable three in the middle with Neeson and McGregor (no, thought not)… Here’s our selection of Star Wars stuff that isn’t just for the kids:

Mighty Muggs

These will quite literally turn heads. Very decent collectibles for your desktop or shelf-filling delight, this range from the latest film each have a push-and-turn mechanism – press it and have heads spin. Each character is complete with three different expressions. They’re also available across the entire Marvel range of characters.

Chewbacca Pet Costume

If your canine could chat it would certainly be barking mad not to ask for this outfit of the hirsute Millennium Falcon flyer. Available from XS (Chihuahua) to XXXL (Great Dane?) you’ll be so proud to be seen out in the park. Switch your mobile ringtone to lightsabre perhaps? Also available in Yoda, Ewok, R2D2 and Darth Vader versions, but none are quite as grin-inducing as this one.

Yoda’s Hut

First appearing in the 1977 film it has taken them until now to release a set to celebrate the forthcoming film. Deep in Dagobah is where this hut was to be found – this one is much easier to locate and has three mini figures and some decent details. Like this we do.


Black Series Darth Vader Helmet

Experience donning the signature helmet of Darth Vader with the Star Wars The Black Series Darth Vader Premium Electronic Helmet, featuring collar, mask, and hood. With movie-accurate sound effects and premium interior and exterior design, this helmet delivers on the iconic presentation and detail of role play items from Star Wars The Black Series.



We saw an interactive Chewbacca toy earlier this year created by Hasbro, a toy from the FurReal range that interacts with its owner, makes sounds, was hugely entertaining and fell asleep like a baby – Ultimate Co-Pilot Chewie is a must-have for your list this year but we can’t find it anywhere yet in the UK. Get this 1.95 metre cutout for now and stick it in the window, the reactions you’ll get are priceless.

Star Wars Day – May the 4th be with you…..



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