Home 9 FAMILY LIFE 9 Theme Park Hacks: How To Dodge The Queues
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Theme Park Hacks: How To Dodge The Queues

March 13, 2023

If you love theme parks, you’re undoubtedly used to the long queues that go along with the excitement of visiting a theme park. But waiting for hours to enjoy the rides can seem like a very tedious process to some, and test the patience of parents trying to keep their children occupied. 

The UK’s top attraction ticket seller, AttractionTickets.com, has witnessed a 269% rise in bookings for UK attractions over the past 30 days as a result of the return of many families to the country’s theme parks when they reopen later this month.

Oliver Brendon, CEO of AttractionTickets.com, offers his top five suggestions for skipping lines and making the most of resorts.

Get there early

“Whilst it may sound obvious, the quietest times to avoid ride queues are the first 60 to 90 minutes of the day. If you buy your tickets online and get there early, you’ll benefit from the extra time when the gates open.This way you can head to your favourite rides first or relax knowing you don’t have to rush through big crowds.” explains Oliver. 

Download Theme Park Tracking Apps

“Many theme parks now have their own apps available that allow visitors to track the queue times at each ride in real-time. You can download the wait times for Thorpe Park on the Apple or Google store, and the likes of Alton Towers have their own mobile app too. These are perfect for planning your day as you make your way around the park.”

Oliver continues: “You can plan your schedule to fit the popularity and peak time of each ride. We’d recommend downloading the app a couple of days ahead of your arrival to start reviewing which rides look the busiest so you can plan ahead.” 

Flip Your Route

“It’s natural for most people to start at the front of the park and work their way around. 

“However, flipping your route and starting with the rides at the back of the park could mean you avoid those pesky queue times – especially if the park has only been open for a couple of hours” says Oliver.

Head for the Popular Rides at Lunch Time

“Every mouth eventually gets hungry and come lunch-time there’s likely to be a bigger queue for your food than there is for the rides. 

“If you can plan an early lunch, or bring snacks and take a later break, this is the perfect time to head to some of the most popular rides which tend to have queues all day long.”  

Check Height Restrictions on Rides

“If you’re with the kids, it’s a good idea to check the height restrictions on rides. You can do this via the website, app, or at information booths so you know which rides they can definitely go on. 

“This means you’ll be able to manage expectations of smaller children by letting them know in advance which rides they will be able to enjoy on the day” says Oliver.

We love this insider advice from Oliver – enjoy your theme park trips and watch out for more days-out hacks on Mumii!



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