Home 9 PUSHCHAIR HUB 9 Tried and Tested : The Perfect Pushchair for Tall Parents

Tried and Tested : The Perfect Pushchair for Tall Parents

October 8, 2024

Finding the Perfect Pushchair for Tall Parents

If you’re a tall parent, finding a pushchair that fits comfortably can be a challenge. Tall parents may find themselves bending too low to reach their baby, constantly hunched over the handlebars, or adjusting their stride to avoid hitting their feet or the pram’s rear axle. If you are a tall parent, you also have to consider genetics as you are fairly likely to have a ‘tall baby / toddler’. You pushchair not not only needs to work for you, but it also needs to work for your baby too. You really don’t want them out-growing the seat unit at an early age!

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a pram and recommendations for some great options:

Key Factors to Consider:

  • Handle Height : Look for a pushchair with adjustable handles that reach your height comfortably. This will prevent strain on your back and shoulders.
  • Seat Size: Ensure the seat is large enough to accommodate your child as they grow. A wider and taller seat unit will also provide more space for bigger babies.
  • Weight Capacity: Consider the pushchair’s weight capacity to ensure it can handle your child’s weight.
  • Manoeuvrability: A pram that is easy to push and manoeuvre is essential, especially if you have a large child or live in a city.

5 Top Picks for Tall Parents

Known for its versatility and comfort, the Bugaboo Fox 5 is a great option for tall parents. It has adjustable handles, a large seat, and excellent manoeuvrability.

The UPPAbaby Vista 3 is another popular choice for tall parents. It offers a very spacious seat and adjustable handles. As this can also be a tandem pushchair, the handle bar extends to accommodate this.

Cybex Priam

The Cybex Priam is a sleek and stylish pushchair with adjustable handles and a large seat.

The didofy Stargazer is a popular choice with parents as the carrycot in particular is in a very high position meaning tall parents don’t need to stoop to get their newborn in and out.

Additional Tips for Tall Parents

  • Test the Pushchair: Before making a purchase, it’s essential to test the pushchair to ensure it fits comfortably. Make sure you can reach the handles without straining and that your child is comfortable in the seat. Most independent nursery stores will let you try them out and some even have a test track so you can really put them through their paces.
  • Consider a Double /. Tandem Pushchair: If you are having twins or planning to have another child soon, a double / tandem pushchair might be a good option. Look for one with a wide base and adjustable handles to accommodate tall parents.
  • Don’t Forget Accessories: Consider accessories such as a cup holders, footmuff, and rain cover to make your pram experience more comfortable.

By following these tips and considering your specific needs, you can find the perfect pushchair to suit you and your growing family.

Want to read reviews of this year’s top pushchairs, take a look here.


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