Our BabyFood Pro helps cater for all stages of your baby’s development, from bottle warming to self-feeding, and makes preparing fresh, healthy and nutritious meals easy, allowing you to tailor cooking and blending times to your baby’s stage of development – from ?rst purees to chunkier foods. Steam and blend all your favourite foods including fruits, vegetables, meat and ?sh, with more ease and less mess. Cooking with the BabyFood Pro helps to retain nutrients and ensure that your baby is eating healthy, delicious meals, by making use of the residual water to aid smooth blending of your homemade foods. The large 1 litre capacity allows you to save time by preparing larger batches at once. You can then refrigerate or freeze your nutritious creations for later, using your choice of Vital Baby storage solutions.
Managing Screen Time for Toddlers
Taming the Tiny Screen: Managing Screen Time for Toddlers In today's digital age, screens are everywhere. From...