Home 9 BABY & TODDLER 9 What is Strep A throat?
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What is Strep A throat?

November 16, 2023

Strep A throat is a hot topic of conversation at the moment, especially amongst schools and parents. I have had letters from all my children’s schools about Strep A and have also seen it filter down to Social Media. Strep is a serious infection that can have dire consequences if not treated.

What are the symptoms of Strep A?

Your throat may feel rough and scratchy if you have strep throat, which is a bacterial infection. However, only a small percentage of sore throats are caused by streptococcus, but at the moment the cases are higher than usual, especially among school-aged children. 

Strep throat can lead to problems, including kidney irritation or rheumatic fever, if left untreated. Rheumatic fever can cause heart valve damage, painful and inflamed joints, and a particular kind of rash.

Children are most frequently affected by strep throat, although it can happen to anybody. 

Consult your doctor right away for testing and treatment if you or your kid exhibit any strep throat symptoms.

Symptoms and warning signs might include:

  • Throat discomfort that typically develops suddenly
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Red and swollen tonsils, occasionally with pus-filled white spots or streaks
  • Tiny red spots on the area at the back of the roof of the mouth (soft or hard palate)
  • Neck lymph nodes that are swollen and sore
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Vomiting or nausea, especially in young children
  • Body pains

However, many of these symptoms and indications may be present in you or your child without being strep throat. A viral infection or another sickness may be the source of these symptoms. Because of this, your doctor usually performs a specialised strep throat test. Remember that someone with strep who doesn’t have any symptoms could come into contact with you.

When to visit a doctor

If you or your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, please contact your doctor right away:

  • Presence of painful, swollen lymph nodes along with a sore throat
  • A cough that persists for more than 48 hours
  • Flu
  • Rash and aching throat combined
  • Breathing or swallowing issues
  • A lack of recovery after taking antibiotics for 48 hours if strep has been identified. Whilst we do not wish to alarm parents, it is important that everyone is aware of Strep A throat and if in any doubt, parents should seek help and support from the NHS. 
  • Find out more here.

For more advice on family health click here 


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